Breathwork is a conscious breath awareness process which is used around the world to explore, release and integrate mental, emotional and physical material that may be impeding an ability to experience a sense of personal well-being.
Therapeutic Breathwork has been successfully adapted to a wide variety of healing and growth settings. Professionals and non-professionals have used the training to enhance their healing skills. Some of the disciplines incorporating breathwork include psychotherapists, occupational and physical therapists, nurses, physicians, dentists, massage therapists as well as body and energy workers.

Certification in four levels of Professional Breathworker Training
Overview of Breathworker Certification Process
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We offer:
> Practicum in Therapeutic Breathwork
> Modules in Special Topics in Breathwork (August) even numbered years
> Modules in Special Topics in Breathwork (September) even numbered years
> An Introduction To Therapeutic Breathwork Module 1- Dry Breathwork
> Breathwork in Water Training Module 2
> Group Breathwork Facilitation Module 3
> The Anatomy of Breathwork Module 4
> Energy Release and Body Types in Breathwork Module 5
> Touch and Movement in Breathwork Module 6
> Trauma and Breathwork Module 7
> Sexuality and Ethics in Breathwork Module 8
> Shamanism and Breathwork Module 9
with Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.
> Basic Therapeutic Breathwork Training Level I - II
> Advanced Therapeutic Breathwork Training Level II - III
> Breathworker Trainer Apprenticeship Level IV
> Application
> Practicum in Therapeutic Breathwork
> Modules in Special Topics in Breathwork (August) even numbered years
> Modules in Special Topics in Breathwork (September) even numbered years
> An Introduction To Therapeutic Breathwork Module 1- Dry Breathwork
> Breathwork in Water Training Module 2
> Group Breathwork Facilitation Module 3
> The Anatomy of Breathwork Module 4
> Energy Release and Body Types in Breathwork Module 5
> Touch and Movement in Breathwork Module 6
> Trauma and Breathwork Module 7
> Sexuality and Ethics in Breathwork Module 8
> Shamanism and Breathwork Module 9
with Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.
Location "Cedar Valley" near West Bend, WI is nestled in the serene Kettle
Moraine area with a pond, pool, hot tub available for breathwork
sessions and comfortable accommodations.
> Basic Therapeutic Breathwork Training Level I - II
> Advanced Therapeutic Breathwork Training Level II - III
> Breathworker Trainer Apprenticeship Level IV
> Application
Breathworkers Certified at the Level III Professional Level through the Therapeutic Breathwork Training Program
Mike Arney - Milwaukee, WI iammike2350@gmail.com
Gregory Bordenave - New Orleans, LA ggastonb@yahoo.com
Shelley Brown - Vienna, IL srainbowgift@gmail.com
Gary Chulkins - Milwaukee, WI gchulkins@sbcglobal.net
Linda DeMill - Rhinelander, WI ldemill@yahoo.com
Dehan Elcin - New Orleans, LA dehanelc@gmail.com
Andy High - Milwaukee, WI andrew.high@att.net
Andrea Hill - Ann Arbor, MI ahillbodypoetry@gmail.com
Anne Johnson - Delafield, WI Ajohnsonbreathwork@gmail.com
Lillie Lee - Denver and Frisco, CO breathelil@q.com
Jenn Maricelli - Missoula, MT holisticintuitivewellness@gmail.com
Elaine McCarthy - Waukeshau, WI james.mccarthy@earthlink.net
Lauren Morlock - Santa Fe, NM morwonder@gmail.com
Trish Williams Mueller - Glendale, WI portkey2000@gmail.com
Mary Naylor - Ireland rmnaylor@eircom.net
Holly Pullar - Los Angeles, CA darknessandjoyproductions@gmail.com
Ron Rothschild - Urbana, IL rrthschild@aol.com
Tamarack Song - Three Rivers, WI tamarack@teachingdrum.org
Patricia Stout - Mandeville, LA breathwork@bellsouth.net
Lynda-Joy Taylor (Lynn) - Yellowknife, NT X1A 0E3 circlenorthtraining@gmail.com
Sherry Ward - West Allis, WI integrationsforhealing@gmail.com
Laura Weber - Bay View, WI orendallc@gmail.com
Kathleen Wojcik - Wauwatosa, WI kathleenmusicmakers@gmail.com
Gregory Bordenave - New Orleans, LA ggastonb@yahoo.com
Shelley Brown - Vienna, IL srainbowgift@gmail.com
Gary Chulkins - Milwaukee, WI gchulkins@sbcglobal.net
Linda DeMill - Rhinelander, WI ldemill@yahoo.com
Dehan Elcin - New Orleans, LA dehanelc@gmail.com
Andy High - Milwaukee, WI andrew.high@att.net
Andrea Hill - Ann Arbor, MI ahillbodypoetry@gmail.com
Anne Johnson - Delafield, WI Ajohnsonbreathwork@gmail.com
Lillie Lee - Denver and Frisco, CO breathelil@q.com
Jenn Maricelli - Missoula, MT holisticintuitivewellness@gmail.com
Elaine McCarthy - Waukeshau, WI james.mccarthy@earthlink.net
Lauren Morlock - Santa Fe, NM morwonder@gmail.com
Trish Williams Mueller - Glendale, WI portkey2000@gmail.com
Mary Naylor - Ireland rmnaylor@eircom.net
Holly Pullar - Los Angeles, CA darknessandjoyproductions@gmail.com
Ron Rothschild - Urbana, IL rrthschild@aol.com
Tamarack Song - Three Rivers, WI tamarack@teachingdrum.org
Patricia Stout - Mandeville, LA breathwork@bellsouth.net
Lynda-Joy Taylor (Lynn) - Yellowknife, NT X1A 0E3 circlenorthtraining@gmail.com
Sherry Ward - West Allis, WI integrationsforhealing@gmail.com
Laura Weber - Bay View, WI orendallc@gmail.com
Kathleen Wojcik - Wauwatosa, WI kathleenmusicmakers@gmail.com
Breathworkers Certified at the Level IV Trainer Level through the Therapeutic Breathwork Training Program
Jayne Ader - Milwaukee, WI jayne.ader@gmail.com
Kate Becker - New Orleans, LA katebecker211@gmail.com
Outail Omar Chtioui - Amman, Jordan omarchtioui.oc@gmail.com
Lenny Delvecchio - Milwaukee, WI lenny@foobox.com
Jack Fontana - Metairie, LA jaf108@gmail.com
Carol Lampman - Tuscon, AZ carol@breaththerapy.net
Steve Moe - Rhinelander, WI steve@moesong.com
Teri Nehring - Green Bay, WI littlewarrior41166@yahoo.com
Kate Becker - New Orleans, LA katebecker211@gmail.com
Outail Omar Chtioui - Amman, Jordan omarchtioui.oc@gmail.com
Lenny Delvecchio - Milwaukee, WI lenny@foobox.com
Jack Fontana - Metairie, LA jaf108@gmail.com
Carol Lampman - Tuscon, AZ carol@breaththerapy.net
Steve Moe - Rhinelander, WI steve@moesong.com
Teri Nehring - Green Bay, WI littlewarrior41166@yahoo.com