Lifelong Learning
Any course in the School of Integrative Psychology can be taken individually for personal and/or professional enrichment. These courses are designed to involve the student in experiential learning and are taught via audio recordings of classes with supplemental handouts and videos where applicable (see our Course Design and Philosophy). If you choose to take these courses later for a Certificate Program or for Continuing Education Credit, they can be converted by purchasing the course tests. Contact us for details.

Course Description and Prices
Includes course recordings and materials.
Click on Course for description and individual classes.

Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.

This series of seminars lays the foundation for a holistic approach to life. Six major life areas are examined to infuse a greater sense of self-responsibility, creativity and thus balanced healthy approach to well being.

Being unaware of the belief systems which shape one's reality often keeps one searching for knowledge in endless variations on outmoded themes. Having the tools to more objectively witness one's structure of thought, alter basic patterns and then analyze the results is a profound step in human development. This allows one more choice in infusing spiritual principles in place of unconscious patterning. These seminars take students step by step through this process in life areas which hold the most meaning and emotional charge. Thus it is more than a how-to manual, but teaches group and individual support techniques to make effective change.

It is expected that students will be able to:
  1. Infuse creative thinking into major areas of life purpose through analysis, affirmation and effective goal setting,
  2. Understand and use the body as an energy conducting system, means of communication and product of one's thoughts,
  3. Work effectively with prosperity principles including earning, spending, saving and investing,
  4. Recognize major psychological and emotional patterns in relationships and apply creative thought principles to change,
  5. Explore realms of conscious awareness beyond consensus reality,
  6. Address psychological factors that undermine spiritual fulfillment including birth trauma, parental disapproval syndrome and the unconscious death urge.

These seminars can be taken individually, but it is recommended they be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

(24 CE credits) $175 for all BUY

Taking responsibility for knowing the spiritual basis upon which one lives and using the mind as a positive tool in the process of meeting challenges on one's journey are the subject of this seminar. Exercises to examine one's defining beliefs, initiate conscious changes and manifest positive results are given. The text, Spiritual Psychology, Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, Revised Third Edition, 1998, by Jim Morningstar, Ph.D., is an adjunct to completion of exercises and further reading.

Course objectives:
  • Identify one's attitudes toward self responsibility,
  • Use the analysis principle to uncover limiting core beliefs,
  • Construct personal affirmations for belief change,
  • Begin effective use of the goals principle.
(4 CE credits)$30 BUY

Engaging one's body as a greater source of guidance and positive feedback is the purpose of this seminar. The body will be studied as an energy conducting system, means of communication and a product of one's thoughts. Exercises for reading and releasing holding patterns will be demonstrated and practiced.

Course objectives:
  • Learn basic bioenergetic grounding exercise,
  • Chart energy zones around one's body,
  • Read messages from sensations and structure of one's body,
  • Identify parental influences on one's body attitudes,
  • Develop tool to alter limiting personal law about the body.
(4 CE credits - with Video) $40 BUY

Early life influences toward prosperity will be put in context of current behaviors. How one's attitudes effect habits of earning, spending, saving and investing and how this impacts one's overall sense of safety and happiness will be explored. Many practical exercises and practices will be given to identify and alter ineffective patterns.

Course objectives:
  • Specify family attitudes toward prosperity and their present influence,
  • Learn tools for altering behaviors around earning, spending and saving,
  • Distinguish between wealth and accumulation,
  • Create specific affirmation for attitude change toward prosperity.
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

The lifelong influence of primary parental relationships is well documented. This seminar will give insight into the personal patterns in one's relationships that are having the most profound impact. Psychological and emotional exercises will assist in becoming more objective and effective in making conscious loving changes to increase fulfillment and pleasure in relationship with partners, family and friends.

Course objectives:
  • Identify eight familial relationship patterns,
  • Specify one's current projections of early perceptions,
  • Engage in clearing exercise on parental attitudes,
  • Create personal tool for positive change of limiting beliefs.
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

Expanding conscious awareness and exploring the boundaries of memory are topics for this mind-altering seminar. Now we begin to open the doors to other levels of "reality" for the purpose of enriching our present, learning lessons in alternate dimensions and deepening the sense of purpose and gratitude for this life.

Course objectives:
  • Learn two tools for improving and enriching memory,
  • Experience and use the technique of multilevel awareness,
  • Delineate personal themes through alternate "realities,"
  • Expanding concepts of self-definition beyond present roles.
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

Strengthening the sense of self-acceptance and fullness while engaging fully in life goals is the aim of this work. Uprooting the self-defeating effects of birth drama, the parental disapproval syndrome, specific negatives, multilevel patterns and the unconscious death urge is undertaken with lecture and exercises. Participants confront their major excuses for perpetuating their sense of incompletion.

Course objectives:
  • Name five "biggies" of incompletion,
  • Know dynamics of parental disapproval syndrome,
  • Identify symptoms of "need/obligate pattern,"
  • Specify fears behind personal death urge,
  • Create effective tool for life affirmation.
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

These holistic practices have been developed over the past 30 years. Students will be introduced to the theory and practice of reading and releasing characterological and their corresponding physical energy holding patterns. Cues from the body, family history, symptomology and behavior of the client will be interrelated. This gives the practitioner several avenues of intervention in helping increase the client's self-awareness and self care. Specific verbal, postural, movement, and attitudinal interventions are demonstrated to assist in effecting positive changes more readily and more permanently than just verbal or physical intervention alone. Bio-spiritual energetic awareness and many of the techniques can be integrated effectively into clinical practice.

These seminars can be taken individually, but it is recommended they be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

The video with demonstrations of exercises for all BAS classes comes with Seminar #1.

(34 CE credits) $275 for all BUY

The prenatal period into the first year of life will be studied to identify how our basic sense of security is held in mind and body. How lifelong anxiety (e.g., "I'm not safe in my body or my world.") is structured into the organism and how this effects self image are demonstrated. The family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are examined. Innate strengths and coping mechanisms which when built upon lead to reintegration and a flowering of psychic and artistic talents as well as spiritual capabilities are revealed.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify goals of the Bio-spiritual energetic approach
  • Specify Psychic Sensitive holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the P/S strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong P/S traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for P/S clients
(6 CE credits with BAS Video #1-#6) $70 BUY

Development of the generalized life themes of deprivation/abundance during the first year of life is examined (e.g., "I'll never get enough." "If I love enough I'll be loved."). How one's body posture and expression daily reinforces the felt experience of self-sufficiency is shown. The family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are examined. How to utilize the E/N strengths and avoid collusion with the limiting E/N themes is discussed in assisting maximal integration.

Course Objectives:
  • Specify Empathetic Nurturing holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the E/N strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong E/N traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for E/N clients
(6 CE credits) $50 BUY

How Inspirational Leader themes (e.g., "To give into feeling is weak.") are developed especially during the first to third year of life is shown. The two variations of "overpowering" and "seductive" are explained and their body structure examined. The family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are given. The challenges of working with I/L clients and accessing of their strengths en route to their integration are explained.

Course Objectives:
  • Specify Inspirational Leader holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the I/L strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong I/L traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for I/L clients
(6 CE credits) $50 BUY

Freedom of expression versus closeness can become a lifelong struggle for Steadfast Supportive individuals. Themes like "No one appreciates me." can undermine all relationships and personal aspirations. How these themes are emphasized and structured into the body during the second to forth year of life is displayed. The family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are examined. Therapeutic pitfalls and favored approaches are given in the process assisting the S/S client to achieve freedom of expression and eliminate humiliation and guilt as major life motivations.

Course Objectives:
  • Specify Steadfast Supportive holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the S/S strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong S/S traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for S/S clients
(6 CE credits) $50 BUY

During the third to fifth year of life gender identity is being reinforced. How role confusion is introduced and themes like "If I assert myself spontaneously, I'll be rejected," are taken on and perpetuated is explained. Both male and female patterns of exaggerated compensation are displayed. The family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are examined. Working with G/B clients to lead to sexual integration is demonstrated.

Course Objectives:
  • Specify Gender Balanced holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the G/B strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong G/B traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for G/B clients
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

Sustaining intimate relationships can be the major challenge for many who are otherwise successful in their life. A strong theme of betrayal during the fourth to sixth year of life can initiate unconscious themes like "No one is going to hurt me again," or "I'm a loving person that no one understands." The Energetic Grounded male and female repeat relationship patterns with little insight as to how to get beyond their defensive armoring. Their family messages, body language and adaptive and compensating defenses are examined. Direct techniques to assist E/G individuals to surrender safely to love and to unite their love and their sexuality are displayed.

Course Objectives:
  • Specify Energetic Grounded holding patterns and life themes
  • Bio-spiritually assess the E/G strengths and weaknesses
  • Delineate treatment goals for clients with strong E/G traits
  • Learn exercises and interventions specifically for E/G clients
(6 CE credits) $30 BUY

Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.

Integrative psychology has antecedents in the fields of psychotherapy, systems theory and communications that have paved the way to more essential contact between human beings. Some of the most clear and effective theories and practices from the psychological domain are presented here. They open the doors to and interface with spiritual traditions that have been wise enough to train the mind rather than demonize it or try to eliminate it. Students will apply these practices to their own lives and relationships and learn first hand how to tailor the tools to their psyche as well as alter them for others.

Several foundational systems approaches presenting holistic paradigms for spirit/mind integration will be studied. This will include Family Systems Theory and General Systems Theory as practiced on a personal and organizational level. Students will study their own systems as well as their personal communication patterns as well as learn the techniques for assisting those they serve.

In this course the student will learn:
  • To effectively use goal setting and scheduling as tools to self-knowledge and spiritual growth
  • To identify ineffective communication patterns in self and others and to remedy them
  • To understand and employ family systems theory
  • To use basic breathwork techniques
  • To be conversant with general systems theory and levels of consciousness applications
(14 CE credits) $118 for all BUY

How to approach goal setting from a holistic perspective and utilize physical, mental and emotional energy in synchronous ways to manifesting one's heart's desires is studied. Analysis of one's personal schedule and techniques for effective change will be demonstrated. The recommended text, Spiritual Psychology, Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, Revised Third Edition, 1998, by Jim Morningstar, Ph.D., is an adjunct to completion of exercises and further reading.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify and set goals in two distinctly different ways,
  • Analyze personal weekly schedule,
  • Create alternate holistic schedule.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Students will get a foundational understanding of the theory and practice of Family Systems Therapy. Concepts of individuation, triangling, family secrets, multigenerational projection process and others will be explored. Methods for examining students' personal patterns will be presented and their influence on their life and work will be demonstrated. This study is based upon the the research and practice of Murray Bowen, known as the grandfather of family systems theory and treatment.

Course Objectives:
  • Be conversant with key family systems concepts,
  • Identify three dysfunctional family patterns,
  • Have awareness of effect of personal family roles and secrets,
  • Know basics of evaluating and treating a family system.
(4 CE credits) $30 BUY

Knowing how to recognize "Risky Rascals," those commonly used messages that purport to help, but which enmesh communicators emotional systems is key to assisting self and others to increase clarity and effectiveness. Recognizing communication styles and redirecting ineffective styles is the second goal of this seminar.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify solution messages, put downs and avoidances,
  • Know four healthy communication options,
  • Give steps of open alternative to four ineffective communication styles.
(3 CE credits) $37 BUY

The basic elements of therapeutic breathwork that has been developed since the 1970's and applied to areas of therapy, medicine and spiritual growth is presented through audio download or CDs and the recommended text, Breathing in Light and Love, Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, 1994, by Jim Morningstar." Practitioners will be introduced to theory and application. Adaptation to breathing patterns of six different body types is shown.

Course Objectives:
  • Have awareness of history and development of breathwork,
  • Know how breathwork is applied,
  • Be conversant with six developmental themes addressed in sessions,
  • Know philosophy of creative thought and use of affirmations.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

The general systems theory of the late visionary thinker and psychologist, Claire W. Graves, Ph.D., is presented along with its profound implications for understanding and predicting human behavior. Applications in the clinical, business and political arenas are graphically demonstrated by his students in their work, Beck, D. and Cowan, C. Spiral Dynamics, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1996." Students may take an inventory (The Way I See It) and get a profile of their own belief systems and know how these systems compare to the emerging systems around the planet. Students will have a foundational understanding of one of the most comprehensive tools for charting the growth of human consciousness, individually and culturally.

Course Objectives:
  • Be conversant with the eight stages of consciousness researched so far,
  • Know how this tool is applied to assisting human change,
  • Identify the factors necessary for growth,
  • Have a personal profile of one's belief systems,
  • Know how learning theories and psychotherapies relate to each stage.
(3 CE credits ) $27 BUY

Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.

The Personal Effectiveness Principles training is a series of eight two and one half hour classes enabling participants to gain clarity about their life goals and success in achieving them. The course encapsulates concise and useful principles for mental mastery, emotional intelligence, goal setting and long term purposeful success. Techniques for effective communication, relationship building and energy maintenance through breathing fully and freely are also covered.

Course Objectives:
  • Know and practice principles for thinking clearly, acting passionately and responsibly and obtaining fulfilling results in one's unique way,
  • Know how to help create an internal and external environment that will sustain ongoing positive life changes for one's self and others.

These seminars can be taken individually, but it is recommended they be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

(16 CE credits) $130 for all BUY

Learn and practice the two basic time-honored principles empowering one to rewrite the formula for one's personal success.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the definition of and formula for personal effectiveness,
  • Know the Free Will and Creative Thought Principles.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Engage in the process which uncovers the hidden personal beliefs which undermine one's effectiveness.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the principles and fundamental laws of the mind,
  • Know how to engage in the analysis game and discover unconscious beliefs.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Gain expertise in creating personally designed tools for mental mastery and life change.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the foundation of emotional intelligence,
  • Know the four "P"s of effective affirmation writing.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Apply the Four P's of effective goal setting and craft a blueprint for balanced responsible accomplishment.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the four challenges to to goal setting,
  • Know how to apply the four "P"s to effective goal setting.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Monitor and maintain progress in manifesting results through challenges along the way.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the six manifestation questions,
  • Know the belly/diaphragmatic and the connected breathing techniques.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Recognize communication traps; practice healthy ways to to engage others and strengthen environmental support.

Course Objectives:
  • Know how to use the "healing vision" exercise,
  • Know how to identify the "risky rascals" of ineffective communication.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Find your "personal law" and sort out six major relationship patterns in yourself and others; use their strengths while minimizing their limiting influences.

Course Objectives:
  • Know to identify one's "personal law",
  • Know to identify six relationship patterns.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Clarify your life purpose and complete an implementation plan for ongoing progress beyond this course.

Course Objectives:
  • Know how to write a comprehensive and inspiring Statement of Purpose,
  • Know how to make an effective life action plan.
(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

Beyond an overview of theory this course provides a variety of learning opportunities and leadership skills for integrating spiritual principles into one's career and everyday life with psychologically grounded techniques. Topics include dream mastery, creating a statement of purpose and a yearly holistic life plan, Gestalt leadership in life groups, inculcating a daily spiritual practice and preparing an hour-long public presentation. Taking spiritual leadership out of classroom theory into life and career requires development of personal disciplines which encompass one's work and finances, intimate and social relationships, personal growth and health, as well as recreation. The tools and techniques for making spiritual leadership real in the student's life are practiced and monitored to help them be integrated. Holistic healing skills are learned and applied to oneself in order for the student to truly be able to share them with others.

(16 CE credits) $130 for all BUY

Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.

In six seminars, the issues and techniques of holistic counseling are explored and developed by Jim Morningstar, PhD. The Holistic Counseling Training is an opportunity to become more aware of how you give counsel to others and to consciously advance in your helping skills both personally and professionally. For practitioners and students who want to expand awareness and gain skills as counselors.Topics include personal purpose, successful contact and contracts, ethics, spirituality, diagnosis, establishing a practice as well as experience in current methods of effecting change in the whole person. Group and individual exercises in and out of class will enhance effectiveness as a non-intrusive change agent.

Course Objectives:
  1. Distinguish holistic from general counseling.
  2. Know the precepts of creating effective contracts with clients.
  3. Identify areas of sensitivity and special concern in holistic practice.
  4. Know the early roots of the holistic paradigm in counseling.
  5. Describe at least one therapy having developed from each emergent learning system.
  6. Know the basic approach to incorporating a client's spiritual values in counseling.
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Learning how to facilitate group energy to bring out the best in each participant, create a spiritual focus and accomplish group goals is the focus for this class taught by Jim Morningstar, PhD.

Students will study group process from a variety of theorists including making contracts and effective contact, boundary setting, handling challenges and coming to completion. In addition members will construct a group relevant to their skills and interests that they will prepare to present in their community if they choose.

As the world population increases and along with it social tensions and inner isolation, there is an ever increasing need to work effectively and lovingly together. Facilitating empowering group interaction is needed in every occupational and social sector. This training is not topic specific, but covers the dynamics that are endemic to groups with a common interest and/or goal.

Course Objectives:
  1. Define types of groups including a facilitated support group.
  2. Give and receive feedback on facilitator presentation qualities.
  3. Create effective healing contracts.
  4. Identify elements of an effective group opening.
  5. Handle issues of violation of respectful listening, non-participation, confidentiality, a plea for therapy, head tripping, and favoritism.
  6. Facilitate closure for group members.
  7. Create and market a group.
(8 CE credits) $70 for all BUY

Jim Morningstar takes you on an engaging journey through 12 essential components of your life maximizing your effectiveness and joy as a human being. Each video class presents life enhancing information on one of the 12 areas of the Wellness Wheel.*

Exercises are demonstrated and practical tips given to help ground the principles of healthy living in your body and mind. Practices are detailed to explore in between classes for installing the new habits you choose for your wellbeing.

These comprehensive interactive sessions illuminate the life areas of Self-Responsibility and Love, Breathing, Sensing, Eating, Moving, Feeling, Thinking, Playing and Working, Communicating, Intimacy, Finding Meaning, and Transcending.

Course Objectives:
  1. Understand wellbeing from a holistic perspective.
  2. Identify and practice techniques for wellness in each of the twelve areas of the Wellness Wheel.
  3. Set personal wellness goals in areas of body, emotions, mind and spirit and implement them.
  4. Know how to maintain an attitude of wellbeing regardless of current state of health.
  5. Develop a plan for continued monitoring of wellbeing after completion of course.

Included in this course package are:

12 zip files containing one video presentation, a pdf Course Description and a file with pdf handouts for each class in areas of Self-Responsibility and Love, Breathing, Sensing, Eating, Moving, Feeling, Thinking, Playing and Working, Communicating, Intimacy, Finding Meaning, and Transcending.

*The Wellness Wheel is a component of the Wellness Inventory, one of the most comprehensive whole person assessment and promotion tools available

(12 CE credits) $99 for all BUY

Jim Morningstar, PhD, introduces the Life InWellness Series and the primary principles of the course: Self-Responsibility and Love. With a balance of self-responsibility (self improvement) and love (self acceptance) as the foundations of our being, living and wellness are synonymous. As we take this journey of well being together, each of us must find our optimal balance and inner wisdom, knowing when to take charge/make changes and when to adapt/go with the flow. Life gives us opportunities to do both each day. This first seminar gives us guidelines and exercises for keeping this balance, not just during the course, but for the course of our life.

Course Objectives:
  1. Define difference between Self-Responsibility and Love.
  2. Identify a balance in dealing with life's polarities.
  3. Recognize the effects of sleep deprivation.
  4. Know the optimal breathing rhythm demonstrated by coherent breathing.
  5. Name methods of taking responsibility for one's health.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #1:Self-Responsibility and Love (31:18)
  • a pdf LIWS #1 Handout 1 - Personal Challenges and Goals
  • a pdf LIWS #1 Handout 2 - Action steps tips
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

The Life InWellness Series would not be effective without teaching the basics of breath awareness and breath training. Over the past 25 years, there has been an explosion in the blending of ancient breathing techniques for health and spiritual awareness with contemporary growth and therapeutic practices. Jim Morningstar, PhD, who has taught breathing practices since the 1970s, shares the most useful of time honored tools passed down through the generations combined with newly evolved discoveries to improve wellbeing and life satisfaction.

Course Objectives:
  1. Define difference between good and poor breathing habits.
  2. Know effect of breathing rhythms on the nervous system.
  3. Cite medical uses of breathing techniques.
  4. Identify the stages of a Therapeutic Breathwork cycle.
  5. Know when to use which breathing techniques in life.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #2: Breathing (39:53)
  • a pdf LIWS #2 Handout 1 - Breathing Exercises
  • a pdf LIWS #2 Handout 2 - Personal Challenges and Goals
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

It is through the senses -- seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, tasting -- that we come to know and enjoy the world. Our abilities to work, to feel pleasure, to communicate with others, and to impact the world are directly related to our abilities to appreciate and use our sensory input efficiently and creatively. In this class, Jim Morningstar, PhD, presents information and exercises to help us use our human sensory system to increase our potential for pleasure, satisfaction and meaning in our lives.

Course Objectives:
  1. Cite three of Positive Psychology's suggestions for addressing he pleasure challenge.
  2. Know effect of thermal regulation on the body's comfort.
  3. Identify ways to use light and color to enhance life satisfaction.
  4. Be conversant with sound's use in physical and emotional regulation.
  5. Delineate the importance of touch in infant wellbeing.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #3: Sensing (50:43)
  • a pdf LIWS #3 Handout - Personal Challenges and Goals
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food," - Hippocrates. The third energy input type in the Wellness Energy System is food. Eating is much more that the mechanical process of assimilating food, as we all know. It has layers of meaning and feelings attached to it that touch every aspect of who we are. Jim Morningstar, PhD, presents critical information and incisive exercises to help us come away from this class with practical ways to both enjoy our food more and have it better serve our wellbeing.

Course Objectives:
  1. Know the four USDA food categories and why they are not proportionally recommended.
  2. Identify three types of emotionally based eating disorders.
  3. Find one's "personal law" in thinking about eating.
  4. Apply affirmations to alter negative eating habits.
  5. Describe a spiritual aspect of eating.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #4: Eating (28:55)
  • a pdf LIWS #4 Eating Handout 1
  • a pdf LIWS #4 Eating Handout 2
  • a pdf LIWS #4 Eating Handout 3
  • a pdf LIWS #4 Eating Handout 4
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

How does the fact that all life is in constant movement impact our health and wellbeing? How can we use movement consciously to maintain wellness and going in the direction we desire? Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness presents in a 50 minute class basic aerobic, stretching and muscle building exercises that can be done right in the office or home. How to initiate an exercise program that fits the individual and how to maintain it to get the results wanted with pleasure is demonstrated.

Course Objectives:
  1. Know the role that movement plays in human life.
  2. Identify the three essential types of movement for the human body.
  3. Define the primary components of effective aerobic exercise.
  4. Describe the purpose of flexibility exercise.
  5. Name strength building exercises that can be done in the office or at home.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #5: Moving (52:21)
  • a pdf LIWS #5 Moving Handout 1
  • a pdf LIWS #5 Moving Handout 2
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Because feelings have been the motivating force behind the greatest heroism and the greatest atrocities in human history, they are often treated with great caution if not suppressed entirely. Yet they are an essential ingredient not just to our survival, but to the enjoyment and fulfillment we all seek. Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness' presentation on Feeling helps you explore the role of feelings in your daily existence and practice ways to have them increase the richness and intimacy in your life.

Course Objectives:
  1. Know the evolutionary role that emotions play in human life.
  2. Distinguish the healthy role of anger from vindictiveness, bullying or other abusive behaviors.
  3. Identify four stages of grief.
  4. Describe the function of joy or gladness.
  5. Name four steps of the couples communication exercise.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #6: Feeling (39:14)
  • a pdf LIWS #6 Feeling Handout 1 - Couples Communication Exercise (done internally)
  • a pdf LIWS #6 Feeling Handout 2 - Risky Rascal and Healthy Options Review
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Our capacity to think truly sets us apart from other life forms on the planet. But how much are we the master of our thinking or how much does our thinking master us? Psychological research tells us we think on the average 40-50,000 thoughts per day as a conservative estimate. Many of these thoughts are variations of familiar themes which populate our mind. These themes can serve us or not on our life path. Or perhaps they served us at one point, but have outlived their usefulness. The good news is that we have the capacity to examine our thoughts and the tools to change those that have overstayed their welcome. Few people, however, develop the skills to be objective enough to achieve even the simplest level of mental mastery. This class by Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness, will give you the opportunity to practice powerful and effective tools on your thinking patterns that can have a profound influence on your life satisfaction.

Course Objectives:
  1. Know the three operational principles of the mind.
  2. Demonstrate use of the Analysis Game.
  3. Identify four guidelines for effective affirmation construction.
  4. Name characteristics of creative thinking.
  5. Cite a physiological means by which thinking directly influences health.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #7: Thinking (53:19)
  • a pdf LIWS #7 Thinking Handout 1 - The Analysis Principle and Game
  • a pdf LIWS #7 Thinking Handout 2 - The Affirmations Principle and Exercise
  • a pdf LIWS #7 Thinking Handout 3 - Homework
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

How we structure our life's activities of Working and Playing tells us much about our values. What we "have time for" is a product of what we prioritize as important as well as what is available in our environment. In our quest for a happy and healthy lifestyle, it is our attitudes toward working and playing which determine a great deal about our life satisfaction. This class by Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness, will give you the opportunity to examine your attitudes and habits as well as some tools and incentive to create a nurturing and fulfilling balance of work and play in your life.

Course Objectives:
  1. Know the main features of healthy attitudes toward work and play.
  2. Name five ways to prevent burnout.
  3. Strategize on bringing more nurturance to one's work life.
  4. List 3 ways for breaking over-seriousness.
  5. Positively analyze one's own time allocation.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #8: Working and Playing (42:04)
  • a pdf LIWS #8 Working and Playing Handout 1 - Being nurtured and fulfilled at work
  • a pdf LIWS #8 Working and Playing Handout 2 - Time Study and Analysis
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness presents - Communicating - the ninth life area of the wellness wheel. The quality of our communication is a major factor in our interpersonal and life happiness. Communication is at the core of all our relationships and determines the degree of cooperation or conflict we experience on a daily basis. This class will give us the opportunity to examine our communication style and effectiveness as well as ways to increase our abilities and satisfaction in the process.

Course Objectives:
  1. Name three ways to deal with indirect communication, gossiping or "dumping."
  2. List four deflecting dysfunctional communication styles.
  3. Recount the steps of Open Communication.
  4. Distinguish between rescuing and helping communication.
  5. Identify three ways to change negative self-talk.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #9: Communicating (46:51)
  • a pdf LIWS #9 Communicating Handout 1 - Triangling Exercise and Communications Style
  • a pdf LIWS #9 Communicating Handout 2 - Communications Review and Action Plan
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness examines - Intimacy - the tenth life area of the wellness wheel. Intimacy with ourself and others reflects what touches us most deeply in life and gives worth to our existence. Intimacy takes us into our greatest vulnerability and also our most profound sense of pleasure and satisfaction. This class will give us the opportunity to explore how we create intimacy in our lives as well as ways to enhance and enjoy the intimacy we value most.

Course Objectives:<
  1. Identify four of the twelve types of intimacy listed.
  2. Be conversant with the health benefits of intimacy.
  3. Name the three attention bidding categories researched by John Gottman, PhD.
  4. Know strategies for rebuilding trust and intimacy after upset in a relationship.
  5. Relate three ways to assist healthy sexual intimacy.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #10: Intimacy (1:05:03)
  • a pdf LIWS #10 - Intimacy Handout 1 - Inventory of Bidding and Response Styles
  • a pdf LIWS #10 - Intimacy Handout 2 - Intimacy Review and Action Plan
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Finding Meaning, the eleventh life area of the Wellness Wheel, creates a personal context for all the wellness topics and has profound implications for our ultimate health and well being. In this class Jim Morningstar, PhD, Director of InWellness will assist us to clarify what gives our life meaning and how we can choose to lead a more purposeful existence now and in the future.

Course Objectives:
  1. Understand the benefits of present moment awareness.
  2. Identify three personal signature strengths.
  3. Name three benefits of regular gratitude journaling.
  4. Know techniques for bringing responsible awareness to issues of death.
  5. Relate role of Life Purpose to wellbeing.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #11: Finding Meaning (47:36)
  • a pdf LIWS #11 - Finding Meaning Handout 1 - Identifying Signature Strengths
  • a pdf LIWS #11 - Finding Meaning Handout 2 - Statement of Purpose
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Jim Morningstar, PhD, InWellness Director, presents Transcending, the twelfth and final life area of the wellness wheel. Transcending promotes genuine growth and is more than just going beyond or escaping what was. It involves learning and incorporating from the past and building upon it. This is a true integration that is the platform for evolving rather than just abandoning all that came before. The final transcending "leap of faith" has preparatory steps that allows the new heights to be reached, but also new roots to be grown. This effects a permanent change rather than a temporary high followed by a resounding crash. Our work in this class will allow us to strengthen those preparatory steps to our personal transcending on the physical, emotional, mental as well as spiritual levels and to integrate all the ares of wellbeing we have covered in our Life InWellness Series.

Course Objectives:
  1. Name the "faces" of transcending.
  2. Identify ways to consciously participate in the healing processes when ill or out of balance.
  3. Specify spiritual disciplines that have contributed to society's wellbeing.
  4. Know techniques for developing and trusting intuition.
  5. Acknowledge successes and plan for inner and outer growth.
Included in this course package are:
  • a video file Life InWellness Series #12: Transcending (51:42)
  • a pdf LIWS #12 - Transcending Handout 1 - Practices of Transcending
  • a pdf LIWS #12 - Transcending Handout 2 - Acknowledgment and Further Growth
(1 CE credit) $9 BUY

Application of spiritual principles in one's chosen life work is the theme of this course. Inner work will include the clearing and strengthening of one's energy centers as a regular practice. Outer work will entail the presentation and analysis of ones career autobiography and the completion of a major project relevant to manifesting purpose in life work.

Living and applying the spiritual principles which nourish our souls is the foundation for a sense of purposeful existence. This does not happen by chance. Unless the time and focus is given to this intention, we will continue to operate on cultural and familial survival patterns. Some research indicates the only measurable factor positively correlating with longevity is "job satisfaction." If the work we do on a daily basis is not building our vital energy, it is depleting it and decreasing our ability and motivation to work and play wholeheartedly. This course is directed to clarifying and infusing our life work with our highest purpose and supportively integrating the practices to do so.

These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

Course Objectives:
  1. Clarify their experience of living purposefully.
  2. Enhance personal and regular connection with their spiritual guidance.
  3. Identify and strengthen their energy centers.
  4. Develop advanced daily spiritual practices.
  5. Complete a project that manifests their life purpose.
  6. Use their career autobiography to help put spiritual principles into their chosen life work.
(16 CE credits) $130 for all BUY

During this course students will learn and practice the techniques which best realign their body, mind and spirit. Students will identify their core issues and strengths of each of their chakras and use the most effective Bioenergetic, yogic, sound, and inner reflective exercises to get them humming with harmony. This material is based on the clinical expertise of Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. and wisdom of Anodea Judith, Ph.D. foremost authority on the chakra system and energy work.

This course involves practicing new life affirming exercises that improve the quality of lives daily, building upon what is done each class to truly grow in mastery, and develop tools which will continue to be useful throughout one's life.

These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

Course Objectives:
  1. Identify the energy centers (chakras) that correspond to major nerve plexi in the body,
  2. Experience and replicate how chakras positively or negatively influence consciousness every day,
  3. Diagnose the excesses or deficiencies in chakras which could lead to anxiety and/or depression
  4. Construct a program of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual exercises to bring one's personal system into balance for maximum vitality, productivity and joy
(16 CE credits) $130 for all BUY

This course is directed to investigate and open the doors of awareness to guidance and support available to humans from inner and outer sources. Ascended Masters represent higher consciousness that has been wisely and effectively used for personal development and spiritual growth in many cultures. Learning and working with the body's energy centers (chakras) will be emphasized. Students will be presented with practical tools, exercises and practices to implement these resources for self awareness and self-realization as well as support for planetary evolution.

Course Objectives:
  1. Discover methods of communication with Master consciousness that are efficient and meaningful.
  2. Learn and work directly with one's main energy centers (chakras).
  3. Produce daily practices that enhance one's lifestyle and increase confidence and certitude regarding one's life path and service.
  4. Develop advanced daily spiritual practices.
  5. Create a Circle of Guides that forms the basis for fostering higher intelligence and tapping inner wisdom.
(13 CE credits) $108 for all BUY

Living in my light body frees me from the solitary confinement of mental and physical forms. I can then more consciously use the mental and physical planes for creative manifesting rather than survival drama. Each class in the series will present exercises for mastery of our light bodies from the eighth to the first chakra. All will have the opportunity to be supported in a special manifestation of their choosing. This course involves practicing new life affirming exercises that improve the quality of lives daily, building upon what is done each class to truly grow in mastery, and develop tools which will continue to be useful throughout one's life.

These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

Course Objectives:
  1. Identify how to manifest in the world from your light body,
  2. Discovering and clearing karma, programmed attitudes and scripts, new connections to the divine,
  3. Practice energetic charging, opening doors of clarity, silence and manifestation, original conception
  4. Master visioning possibilities based on meeting of inspiration and desire, honoring the spirit of the vision and inviting it in
  5. Invocation of word made substance, giving commands and adaptive guidance,
  6. Loving what you be, do and have, loving your dreams to life, mastering the strongest magnet in the universe,
  7. Putting power in the punch, doing what it takes, smarter not harder, turning on the Higher Power,
  8. Dancing with the divas, uniting your yin and yang to birth the integrated whole, sensing its emergence,
  9. Materialization and celebration of birth, presentation of projects and extrapolation of lessons learned and shared.
Included in this package:
  • a pdf Introduction to Distance Learning through the School of Integrative Psychology
  • 9 zip files which include mp3 recordings (labeled LMLB Class #1- #9) and a folder with pdf Handouts for each class
(13 CE credits) $108 for all BUY

To be embodied on this planet is to be a student and teacher of Light - for Light is where we come from, what we are made of and where we are going. We can become more conscious and masterful of how we live and grow in Light if we choose. This choice means devoting the time and attention to this mastery. Our class is a commitment to learn and share lessons of Light from acknowledged teachers, with each other and with our world. Each class we will steep ourselves in the light of a master's path and deepen our reverence for ours. All will have the opportunity to be supported in sharing and teaching from our own Light.

Goals for this course are to:
  • Immerse ourselves in the highest Light teachings and practices available
  • Share and grow together as a community of light students and teachers
  • Accept and live our mission to be a beacon of light in our world
Course Curriculum:

Class #1 Intro: What is your Light Being? How do you experience and share it? Meeting Master Teachers. How we will learn and grow together as a community of light students/teachers. Handouts, references and homework.

Class #2 Embodying Light on the planet earth. Teachers, light practices and experiments for the month.

Class #3 Bringing Light to our relationships. Sharing and mastering joy in the Dance of Light with others.

Class #4 Identifying with Light in the shadow play of our daily life. Strengthening our core identity; releasing addictive illusions.

Class #5 Falling in love with the Light in all. Breathing in Love and Light every moment of our existence.

Class #6 Creating with Light as our true profession. Commanding Light resources with certitude.

Class #7 Mastering Holy Vision - teaching it spontaneously. Seeing the Light of divine teaching in our every step.

Class #8 Being with and conversing with Master Light Teachers in physical and spiritual forms every day.

Class #9 Celebrating Self

(13 CE credits) $108 for all BUY

Ascension in our usage of the concept is the process of heightening conscious awareness and effectiveness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. We focus on ascending in each of these levels personally, relationally and as a planet over 9 classes. Each member's growth will be supported by the practices taught and the detailed exercises in each class. Our work will culminate in a Personal Ascension Plan resulting from the exploration, experimentation and inspiration we share on this sacred journey.

Course Benefits:
  • Clarity about your personal ascension
  • Tools to carry forth your Personal Ascension Plan
  • Support and feedback from a global spiritual community
  • Joy in owning and living your life purpose now
Course Curriculum:

Class 1 & 2 Introduction and Physical Ascension - from health to peak performance with tools from Qi Gong, Nei Gong, advanced Taiji and breathwork; nurturance, sexuality, energetic boundary setting…

Class 3 & 4 Emotional Ascension - EQ and neurobiology, emotional trauma release, scale of emotions, communication of feelings, the feeling body and manifestation, the planetary emotional body…

Class 5 & 6 Mental Ascension - tools for mental mastery, advanced analysis and affirmation, using group and planetary mind clearing techniques and balance, the seven dimensions of Higher Intelligence…

Class 7 & 8 Spiritual Ascension - path of enlightenment, One Spirit, Mahayana, meditation and Holy Vision, being a bodhisattva, immortalists, guidance from Ascended Masters…

Class 9 Integration - the brain and new levels of integral functioning, integral daily practice, creation of and dedication to your Personal Ascension Plan, Circle of Guides assistance, the Celebration of Ascension.

(13 CE credits) $108 for all BUY

Love is the all pervasive substance that holds the universe as One. To experience love as the ground of your being and to live from this foundation is to transform every moment of your existence into higher awareness. Each video class of this nine class journey we will engage in practices that radically upend the roadblocks to owning the innocence and purity of being in your Sacred Heart and radiating this glow to your world.

Our goals are:
  • to transform our experience to being in love with and nurtured by life daily
  • to have a chest of "inner love potions" for every life challenge
  • to build a reservoir of loving energy to tide us through dark nights of illusion
  • to attract loving companions who delight in sharing love with you daily
  • to be strengthened by a community dedicated to spreading love on our planet

Class presentations are videotaped and sent with materials and exercises included. These classes should be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

Included in this package:
  • a pdf Introduction to Distance Learning through the School of Integrative Psychology
  • a pdf Course Description
  • 9 mp4 files which include a video recording (labeled B&LL Class #1- #9)
  • 9 zip files which include pdf Handouts for each class (labeled B&LL Class #1- #9 Handouts)
(13 CE credits) $150 for all BUY

How to incisively address our most primal human challenges with loving intention and conscious breathing is the goal of this nine month journey Home. As the circle of our consciousness expands toward the infinite, it aspires to the heights of Ascension. And it also takes us to the depths of Beingness and all it entails to be divine in human form. This is the stumbling block for most en route to enlightenment. We shall with courage and shared intention experience and integrate both the heights and depths of our existence in coming Home to our ownership of our Source.

In this course you will receive:
  • nine videos (65-80 minutes) with inspiring content on the core topics including taped interviews with acknowledged leaders in each field.
  • guided visualizations and participatory breathwork exercises to reinforce cellular transformation and experiential learning
  • instructions on specific practices in which to engage to deepen your individual and our collective journey.
  • emotional, mental and spiritual support for your personal return Home enabling you to:
    • feel safety in your body and on our planet,
    • experience heartfelt camaraderie on the road to Self Realization,
    • practice and incorporate specific tools to keep you centered and on course daily,
    • have your journey Home filled with humor and authentic joy.

Each seminar will include videotaped presentations, handouts on which to complete courses exercises and add to the video presentation as well as a resource list for supplementary class study.

Included in this package:
  • a pdf Introduction to Distance Learning through the School of Integrative Psychology
  • a pdf Course Description
  • 9 mp4 files which include a video recording (labeled RTS Class #1- #9)
  • 9 zip files which include pdf Handouts for each class (labeled RTS Class #1- #9 Handouts)
(13 CE credits) $170 for all BUY

This nine session online course is an immersion in an integrative cutting edge curriculum from experienced teachers and mentors that promotes grow as both as a student and teacher. Growth requires passing on what is your best, whether it is simply by example or in other forms of transmission, e.g., in a seminar or classroom format. The more consciously you do this, the more effectively you and all around you grow. This course is about taking specific and concrete steps to manifesting your highest life purpose, requiring both courage and an intelligent plan. You can create and teach an inspiring presentation or class within nine months.

Learning Objectives:
  • build certitude about life purpose as a teacher
  • discover what is timely and fulfilling for you to teach
  • empower self with supportive step by step guidance
  • put curriculum into your life as well as your students' lives
  • employ effective marketing strategies
  • get feedback and adjust content
  • celebrate success
(13 CE credits) $170 for all BUY

This eight session course will give you the tools and support to be the Integrative life Community Builder that you are here to become. Life satisfaction, health, creativity and growth are all fostered in communities of like-spirited individuals. You are the founder of yours. You can search endlessly and join a multiplicity of groups, but unless you own the calling to your community of Heart, you will never be completely at home.

This requires to first let go of all your preconceived notions of leadership in the world. You do not have to be rich, politically connected or charismatic to be a community builder. In fact, you may be sitting in the middle of your community right now and just not knowing how to fully activate and experience the rewards of it.

Course Classes:
  1. Being an Integrative Life Community Builder
  2. Building and Reinforcing Your Internal Community
  3. Integrating Body Mastery into Your Community of Spirit
  4. Leading a Prosperous Inner and Outer Existence
  5. Letting Love Direct Your Relationships
  6. Multilevel Awareness
  7. Completion
  8. Graduation as an Integrative Life Community Builder
Course Objectives:
  • learn the foundational principles and materials that have fostered successful communities of spirit locally and globally since the 1970s
  • practice techniques for direct experience of body energy systems mastery,
  • review time tested methods to increase financial stability and whole being prosperity,
  • hone the ability to detect and release relationship blocks and increase shared joy,
  • integrate a direct experience of your life and lessons you learned in other times and places,
  • increase freedom from the major holding patterns in human consciousness evolution,
(13 CE credits) $170 for all BUY

The Purpose of the Advanced Practicum is to gain all the skills to manifest successful holistic businesses and teach courses that are the foundation for and support a thriving community. To have the tools available to teach these foundational courses and market them successfully when the time is right in your life. This eight session course addresses the disillusion of traditional cultural and family systems which has left a glaring need for communities of trust and values. If addictive substances and pastimes are all that are available to those hungry for aliveness, that is where they will often turn. This is a critical time in our planetary history for grass roots leadership to bring value and substance to those seeking what is not being offered from traditional structures or mass media. To be of lasting value these communities must involve a long term (e.g., 6 months or more) commitment from participants and immerse them in the highest quality thoughts and experiences during this time to make a permanent consciousness shift.

Course Classes:
  1. Beginning Steps for Starting a Spiritual Community
  2. Multilevel Marketing
  3. Building Trust and Mutual Support in Your Community
  4. Integrating Mind/Body Mastery into Your Community of Spirit
  5. Leading a Prosperous Community
  6. Fostering Love in Directing Community Relationships
  7. Deepening the Value of Community Awareness
  8. Completion and Graduation
Course Objectives:
  • Create a high powered incubator of personal growth and leadership development
  • Initiate a supportive community based on safety and respect for diversity
  • Develop a source of sustainable self employment for teaching and living your highest
  • Access step by step guidance for ongoing success
  • Utilize teaching resources and materials the are time tested solid investments
(13 CE credits) $170 for all BUY

Jim Morningstar, PhD.

The theory and practice of breathwork will be presented along with readings and techniques for integrating the practices into ones life and profession. Since the 1970s, there has been an explosion in the blending of ancient breathing techniques for health and spiritual awareness with contemporary growth and therapeutic practices. The result has been the evolution of powerful and incisive healing and consciousness changing modalities. This has given birth to the field of breathwork that has promoted significant advances in medical, psychological and spiritual domains. The call for professional training and supervision in theory and practice is immanent as breathwork is emerging as a primary technique in the practice of Spiritual Psychology. The Breathwork Practicum is a foundational course in this training.

These seminars can be taken individually, but it is recommended they be taken in order given for best understanding and application.

(16 CE credits) $130 for both BUY

Students will be exposed to the core theory and techniques of breathwork. Adaptation to one's current professional service will be addressed. Should a practitioner choose to additionally complete all the Level 1 Breathworker requirements including direct supervision, certification at that level could be obtained. The recommended course text is: Morningstar, Jim (1994), Breathing in Light and Love, Your Call to Breath and Body Mastery. Wisconsin: Transformations Incorporated.

Course Objectives:
  • Define breathwork as a healing art,
  • Be conversant with the applications of breathwork,
  • Create effective healing contracts,
  • Identify healthy and unhealthy breathing patterns,
  • Relate body types to breathing styles,
  • Address resistance in a breathwork session.
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

This series of classes is designed for students who are ready to or have begun to practice breathwork under supervision. Dealing with the major issues that arise in practice and hearing other students' challenges and feedback to them is central to this work. This can prepare the student for Level II and Level III (professional practitioner) training.

Course Objectives:
  • Be able to guide a client through six sessions under supervision,
  • Know how to establish a breathwork practice,
  • Practice ethically,
  • Be conversant with credentialing in Breathwork.
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

This four session supervisory series gives professional breathworkers and integrative practitioners feedback on issues relevant to their practice of healing arts. Topics addressed include: client challenges, creating the proper work setting, attracting clients, ethics and boundary issues, dealing with resistance, referral, use of substances, personal breathwork issues, homework, support group and further training, payment and completion. Practitioners grow from others' experience and increase their confidence and expertise.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify core challenges as a practitioner
  • Apply an integrative perspective to client care
  • Use of integrative techniques for practitioner self-care
  • Proper ethical and referral protocols
(13 CE credits) $48 for all BUY

Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. and TBTP Staff

The Breathworker Training Modules focus in depth on specific aspects of being a competent and successful breathworker. Each module highlights different techniques for guiding oneself and others through the many and varied applications of breath for healing and growing. This ranges from breathwork's use in professional practice, water and group breathwork, pre-birth stages and the physiology and history of the use of breath mastery throughout the ages. Finally the finer points of body and energy reading as a breathworker are covered. This material when combined with clinical practicum is all applicable to certification as a professional breathworker according to the standards of the International Breathwork Training Alliance.

Course Objectives:
  • Know the basic principles of breath coaching for dry, wet and group settings,
  • Be conversant with the ancient and modern roots of breathwork,
  • Have an understanding of the physiology and psychology of breathing,
  • Be aware of the energetic dynamics, body themes and potential of being a breath facilitator,
  • State the neuropsychological approach of Therapeutic Breathwork in healing trauma,
  • Elucidate the ethical challenges of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness.
(76 CE credits) $600 for 1-9 BUY

The purpose of this training is to introduce breathwork skills to professionals in the healing arts. Breathwork is a conscious breath monitoring process which is used by health care professionals around the world to explore, release and integrate mental, emotional and physical material that maybe impeding a clients ability to:

  • Resolve chronic holding patterns in mind, body and spirit,
  • Release emotional material stored within the cellular memory,
  • Unravel relationship patterns that interfere with a sense of personal well-being,
  • Experience self love in their bodies.
      Course objectives:
      • Identify ineffective breathing patterns,
      • Teach healthy breathing skills,
      • Use breathwork to address issues of depression, anxiety and addictions,
      • Integrate breathwork into standard clinical practice,
      • Monitor and release personal holding patterns that interfere with clarity as a clinician in the healing arts.
(12 CE credits) $90 BUY

Recommended course text; required for Continuing Education and Certificate Program credit (not included): Taylor, Kylea (1994), The Breathwork Experience.

This training prepares the practitioner to give wet breathwork sessions. Both theory and supervised experience are given in profoundly moving method of healing and growth. The stages of pre natal growth, recognizing and releasing patterns which develop from them are detailed.

Course objectives:
  • Identify four prenatal stages
  • Conduct a breathwork session in water
  • Identify effects of birth trauma in breathing patterns
  • Select proper equipment for wet breathwork
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Recommended course text; required for Continuing Education and Certificate Program credit (not included): Grof, S. Psychology of the Future. State University of new York Press, Albany: 2000

Understanding and working with group dynamics, creating group sessions, use of music, movement, art, successful teamwork, and supervision in facilitation will all be addressed in this day long training.

Course objectives:
  • Name principles of group breathwork
  • Know types and styles of facilitation
  • Utilize music and artwork in group setting
  • Organize and orchestrate a group session
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Recommended course text; required for Continuing Education and Certificate Program credit (not included): Minett, G. Exhale. Floris Books, Edinburgh: 2004

Participants will learn the foundational mechanics of healthy breathing and how to coach positive changes in dysfunctional patterns. The schools and styles of breathwork techniques will be presented and experienced so practitioners may choose the methods that fit themselves and their clients best.

Course objectives:
  • Name main traditional sources of breathwork practices
  • Know two modern schools of dyadic breathwork
  • Outline anatomical features of diaphragmatic breathing
  • Specify what chemical imbalances are related to deregulated breathing
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Recommended course text; required for Continuing Education and Certificate Program credit (not included): Morningstar, J. Breathing in Light and Love. Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, 1994.

Participants will be trained in hands on and hands off energetic release work, reading body types and facilitating exercises for maximizing their strengths and integrating these techniques into the breathwork session. Application from infancy through adulthood will be addressed.

Course objectives:
  • Know the breathing patterns of the six body types
  • Facilitate release exercises for each body type
  • Sensitively enter a client's body energy field
  • Identify one's own body type strengths and weaknesses
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Jayne Ader and Kate Becker

Jayne and Kate are both veteran bodyworkers and Therapeutic Breathwork Trainers who present the theory and practical demonstration of the safe, ethical and effective use of touch and movement in breathwork sessions. Topics covered include the contract of touch, non-contact touch. touch as a clarifier, connector, communal and compassionate, catalyst, comic and mystery. Movement in breathwork is demonstrated as embodied intuition, presence. co-regulating and holy vision. The difference between exaggerated physical resistance and direct energetic processing is explained. The use of guided visualization, sound and music and touch in movement is presented along with an experiential group breathwork session involving the use of the techniques described.

Course objectives:
  • Create safe effective ethical boundaries with touch,
  • Teach healthy empowering engagement of touch,
  • Use touch and movement to address psychological and emotional issues,
  • Integrate touch and movement into varied breathwork practices,
  • Monitor and release personal holding patterns that interfere with effectiveness as a clinician in the healing arts.

Accompanying text for this course (not included): Cohen, B. B.. Sensing, Feeling and Action. North Atlantic: Berkeley, CA.,1993.

(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

The aim of this Module is to elucidate the role that trauma plays in our development on all levels and the importance of the use of breathwork in healing the effects of trauma, as well as to engage in exercises and learn techniques which can safely and effectively be employed when working with trauma in a healing session to assist in integrating clarity and passion into one's life.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify traumatic from non-traumatic events
  • List three from first category and three from second category of common causes of trauma
  • Specify three symptoms from each of the three types of trauma symptoms
  • Locate brain centers involved in trauma
  • Articulate Therapeutic Breathwork's role in healing trauma
  • Know how to use thirteen approaches and techniques in conjunction with Breathwork
  • Identify one way spirituality can assist in trauma healing
  • Name the Basic Treatment Principles in client work
  • Enumerate two ways to prevent Compassion Fatigue
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

This Module explores the ethical principles of Therapeutic Breathwork through didactic presentation as well as experiential exercises. Particularly highlighted are the ethical concerns in dealing with a holistic approach and non ordinary states of consciousness. Also considered are the challenges of client and practitioner safety and sexuality. The Global Professional Breathwork Alliance practice principles and ethical standards are presented.

Course Objectives:
  • Identify how ethics are approached differently from a holistic approach to healing
  • Articulate three challenges in using non ordinary states of consciousness
  • Specify circumstances when practitioner self-disclosure is appropriate and when it is not
  • State protocol for using newly evolving techniques in treatment
  • List four categories of experiences in non ordinary states according to Grof
  • Identify guidelines for dealing with sensuality and sexuality in sessions
  • State procedures for keeping client information confidential
  • Articulate conditions in which a client should be referred to another practitioner
(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Tamarack Song and Lety Seibel

We each have intrinsic shamanic abilities. Their purpose is to keep us whole by repairing the psychic damage incurred in life. The issue with many of us is that our shamanic tools have gotten rusty from lack of use. We live in a culture that values the rational over the intuitive, and that sends us to specialists rather than encouraging us to look within.

In this module, we learn how to awaken and develop our intrinsic shamanic abilities by re-membering the body/mind/spirit life-force connection through the Spirit of Breath. Together we fan the fire of our creative energy to transform everyday activities into Ceremonies that enliven the ever-present magic patiently waiting to be acknowledged and directed for healing and revealing the wholeness of our world.

Course objectives:
  • Learn shamanistic techniques to fully embrace your sacred self in breathwork,
  • Practice Breathing Observation experience in nature,
  • Use Ancestor Dish to stay in nurturing connection with and honor your lineage,
  • Identify your spiritual strengths and bring them into your breathwork practices,
  • Integrate ways to effectively use power objects in your life,
  • Experience and incorporate Breath of Fire Outdoor Observation technique.

Accompanying text for this course (not included): Wolf, L, S. Shamanistic Breathwork: journeying beyond the limits of the self.. Bear & Company: Rochester, VT., 2009.

(8 CE credits) $70 BUY

Educational and inspirational eBooks and Videos from Transformations Incorporated.

Newly Revised and Updated…
Breathing in Light and Love: Your Call to Breath and Body Mastery -

2015 eBook by Jim Morningstar, PhD (289 pages)

How to translate the simple act of breathing into a life transforming process.

  • Learn from a Pioneer and Master Practitioner
  • Read the inspiring accounts of participants
  • Discover your own breathwork
  • Fit your breathing to your body type
  • Breathwork and Your Call to Greatness
  • Becoming a breathworker

Morningstar, J. Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, Revised eBook, 2015.

(5 CE credits) $10 BUY

An encyclopedia of contemporary breathwork theory and practice by current luminaries in the field. Breath is the foundation for all life processes. To breathe well is to live well. In this book you will explore and learn the complete breath. This is a metaphor for the complete life—an existence marked by inner balance, outer poise and gratifying accomplishment. (212 pages)

Contributing articles from:
Stan Grof, MD—originator of Holotropic Breathwork
Dennis Lewis—author of Natural Breathing
Michael Brown—author of The Presence Process
Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD—Coherent Breathing
Kylea Taylor—author of The Ethics of Caring
Leonard Orr—originator of rebirthing breathwork
Sondra Ray—author of Liberation Breathing
Jim Morningstar, PhD—author of Breathing in Light and Love
Binnie Dansby—Source Process and Breathwork
Peter Litchfield, PhD—CapnoTraining
Judee Gee—author of Intuition
Tilke Plateel Deur—author of The Art of Integrative Therapy
Jeremy Youst—The Power of Breath Institute
Carol Lampman—breathwork with infants and children
Dorisse Neale—Buteyko Breathing
Ann Harrison—Breathwork: a modern Tantric Practice
James DuCanto, MD—Medical Breathwork and Disaster Relief
Lloyd Lalande—Integrative Breathwork Therapy

Morningstar, J (Editor). Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, 2012.

(6 CE credits) $12.95 BUY

Therapeutic Breathwork and Body Themes: Release Techniques and Neuroscience Hypotheses for Six Major Breathing Patterns - 90 minute video

Jim Morningstar, PhD

This training video introduces practitioners to body theme identification and neurological, structural and behavioral correlates. It further demonstrates how specific release techniques can be used in therapeutic breathwork and other healing modalities most effectively with the body theme patterns.

(2 CE credits) $17 BUY

This introduction is instructive for health care practitioners and prospective participants alike. (40 min. 42 sec.)

Jim Morningstar, PhD

The video introduces the theory and technique of therapeutic breathwork as pioneered by Jim Morningstar, PhD. Drawing from time honored healing traditions and incorporating contemporary advances in somatic therapy and neuroscience, this incisive approach integrates verbal and nonverbal parts of the brain.
As such practitioners and participants can use it to effectively reach and help release chronic and acute dysfunctional holding patterns leading to the recovery of creativity and joy in life. The technique is demonstrated in excerpts from a live session with added commentary.

(1 CE credit) $11 BUY

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