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Jim Morningstar, PhD, shows how to achieve remarkable breakthroughs using the power of Therapeutic Breathwork:
2015 eBook by Jim Morningstar, PhD (289 pages)
How to translate the simple act of breathing into a life transforming process.
with Jim Morningstar, Ph.D.
Consultation Services
Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. $175/hour
Jim Morningstar, PhD, shows how to achieve remarkable breakthroughs using the power of Therapeutic Breathwork:
- How breath awareness and modulation can give you mental and emotional self control,
- How human consciousness has evolved and with it systems of therapy and breath mastery that fit each stage of this evolution,
- How trauma is embedded in the nervous system of everyone to some degree and how faster than normal breathing can promote healing, along with 13 integrating techniques and 9 experiential exercises,
- How we all develop body themes that graphically display our strengths and weaknesses and can be built on to our advantage,
- How breathwork has helped countless people dramatically break through limiting patterns personally and professionally,
- 35 life-changing personal accounts included.
Morningstar, J. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2017
Cost: $21.95
Cost: $21.95
Break Through with Breathwork is approved for 10 Continuing Education credit hours by the National Board of Certified Counselors and the
National Association of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselors through Transformations Incorporated; Director, Jim Morningstar, PhD.
Register to take Content Evaluation, with unlimited tries to pass, and print out a certificate for 10 Continuing Education credit hours.
Preview of Test Questions:
1. Research suggests that __________ percent of the U.S. population suffers from breath-related illness every year.
4. Faster than normal breathing can give counselors the following, both personally and professionally:
9. The principle of Heart-Centered Contact in therapeutic breathwork:
16. "Ontology recapitulates phylogeny" is a way of saying that the growth of each individual reflects:
22. Trauma is caused by:
30. A body theme is an enduring constellation of structural and characterological positions a person takes toward their life which reflects:
38. In the course of therapeutic breathwork when a client's storehouse of past trauma, incomplete relationships, and holding patterns have been significantly reduced:
40. "Continue to develop personally, practicing the technique that I offer to others while nourishing passion and reverence for my calling, and keeping a healthy balance in my work and self care," is one
Register to take Content Evaluation, with unlimited tries to pass, and print out a certificate for 10 Continuing Education credit hours.
Preview of Test Questions:
1. Research suggests that __________ percent of the U.S. population suffers from breath-related illness every year.
- one to five
- five to ten
- ten to twenty-five
- seventy to ninety-five
- by including breathing techniques which activate the sympathetic nervous system
- by treating only clients who are in therapy
- by using less breaths per minute
- all the above
- by eating seafood
- in dyadic interactions with significant others.
- in warmer climates
- d. none of the above
4. Faster than normal breathing can give counselors the following, both personally and professionally:
- A technique for relieving stress
- A doorway to spiritual awakening
- An adjunct to counseling to assist clients in relief from both acute and chronic emotional and psychological pain and in maintaining more balanced lifestyles
- all of the above
- a poor candidate for breathwork interventions
- continual messages of protection—fight/flight/freeze responses from the brain
- lack of moral character
- none of the above
- a beginning in which one experiments and discovers how to sustain a connected full rhythm
- a break period during which one takes notes for future reference
- a middle period of building an energetic charge to a point of release
- an ending period during which the released energy is grounded and suggestions for application are integrated
- Sensory experiences and motor manifestations
- Biographical experiences of events that have happened to us from birth to the present time both positive and negative
- Transpersonal experiences
- all of the above
- True
- False
9. The principle of Heart-Centered Contact in therapeutic breathwork:
- means that a thorough stress test must be undergone before doing breathwork
- requires practitioners to put their hands over their client's heart while breathing
- views the client's emotional intelligence (EQ) as relevant if not more so in their healing and growth process than their intellectual intelligence (IQ).
- none of the above
- the breathworker's capacity to read auric fields
- a scientific analysis of a client's energy systems
- an ability to see both the client's fear based personality and their essential
- none of the above
- get enmeshed in giving clients advice they themselves do not follow
- proceed knowing that giving their best in both listening, sharing and continuing to breathe, more clarity will come both for their clients and themselves
- commiserate with their clients and reinforce mutual stuckness
- turn the tables and try to get advice from them
- payment for all sessions is made up front
- the practitioner's directions must be strictly followed at all times
- only mouth breathing is allowed
- that the client be aware that breathwork is a self-regulated skill for which the client must take personal responsibility for the outcome.
- True
- False
- their sufficient knowledge of what the technique offers for them
- their ability to integrate deep level emotional and paradigm shifting work
- their willingness to engage
- all of the above
- remaining valueless in one's work
- taking a neutral position in the community
- addressing a client's deeper sense of purpose
- none of the above
16. "Ontology recapitulates phylogeny" is a way of saying that the growth of each individual reflects:
- the growth of humanity over vast stretches of time that is built into our complex nervous system.
- their moral character
- the present state of human conditioning at their birth
- the doctrine of "survival of the fittest"
- a basic organic potential for growth
- the impetus for change toward a more adequate form of existence
- insight, the acquiring of new ideas for living which precipitate movement towards a new form of life
- empathy for those who are not ready to change
- anxiety and compulsive behavior are characteristics of even level systems (adapt self)
- acting out and impulsive behavior are associated more with odd level systems (express self)
- a disorder may arise from a level other than the one at which a person is centralized
- all of the above
- pairing the arousal state (activated by faster breathing) in a safe and supportive environment that gradually desensitizes high arousal through conscious connected breathing
- talking about these states with clients
- pairing temporary satisfaction with the consulting room and the therapist
- creating a classically conditioned dependency with the therapist
- behavior modification
- rational psychotherapy
- psychoanalysis
- group sensitivity training
- ascending beyond the earthly plane
- being rather than doing
- the problem of restoring a disturbed universe
- controlling the unwashed masses
22. Trauma is caused by:
- the nervous system's freezing response to overwhelming stimuli
- certain categories of negative life events
- a predisposing condition from childhood
- carelessness
- that are the first to develop after an overwhelming event
- that tend to surface concurrently with, or shortly after, trauma
- that generally take longer to develop
- none of the above
- Muscles tense; search for source
- Mobilize the body and mind; produce adrenaline and cortisol
- Fight or flight or Freezing response
- all of the above
- the hippocampus can be flooded with the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline
- the hippocampus hyper stimulates the left brain
- the hippocampus can be bypassed by dividing attention away from the hurtful stimuli to something more neutral
- neural pathways to the prefrontal neocortex are impeded
- The nervous system remains in a state of arousal
- Even if the threat is gone, the brain and the body react as it still exists and continue to put out the fight or flight chemicals
- Excess energy becomes bound in the body and the mind
- All the above
- it engages the sympathetic nervous system to help reprogram what has been frozen in the fight/flight mechanism
- immediately relaxes both client and practitioner
- is less frightening to hyper-vigilant clients
- none of the above
- Employing the elements of the original trauma combined with strengths and resources unavailable at the time of the event
- Confronting the perpetrator in a therapy session
- Reworking the therapy contract whenever it gets scary
- none of the above
- They are erased from all memory circuits
- They are stored in a special area of the neocortex
- They roam about the nervous system to avoid discovery
- They are shelved in disconnected sensory fragments, somatic sensations, and muscular impulses in the more primitive areas of the brain
30. A body theme is an enduring constellation of structural and characterological positions a person takes toward their life which reflects:
- how well they were treated as children
- basic beliefs about themselves, their world and how to survive and grow in it
- the genetic coding of their ancestry
- themes by which they were most impressed in stories told to them as children
- Desmond Tutu
- Stephen Porges
- Wilhelm Reich
- Alexander Lowen
- from prenatal to nine months
- during the second year of life
- in the third year of life
- whenever there is trauma in one's life
- "Do I have the right to exist?"
- "Do I have the right to have?"
- "Do I have the right to be free?"
- "Do I have the right to act?"
- overpowering and underwhelming
- underwhelming and seductive
- overpowering and seductive
- none of the above
- "holding together" against fear of annihilation
- "holding on" against loss and deprivation
- "holding up" against the fear of vulnerability
- "holding in" against the fear of humiliation and shame
- existence versus need
- need versus independence
- independence versus closeness
- freedom of expression versus gender identity
- integrate inhale and exhale
- unite love and sexuality
- feel safe being vulnerable with others
- all the above
38. In the course of therapeutic breathwork when a client's storehouse of past trauma, incomplete relationships, and holding patterns have been significantly reduced:
- the ecstatic fireworks of the original sessions tends to subside
- many think their time with breathwork has come to an end
- the use of breathwork can evolve into further exploration and growth
- all of the above
- allows practitioners to rely on only one tool in their practice
- adds to the power and effectiveness of both breathwork and the various healing arts to which it has been applied
- exempts practitioners from the ethics and standards of their profession
- makes services tax deductible
40. "Continue to develop personally, practicing the technique that I offer to others while nourishing passion and reverence for my calling, and keeping a healthy balance in my work and self care," is one
- True
- False
Cost: $69
Newly Revised and Updated…
Breathing in Light and Love: Your Call to Breath and Body Mastery -
2015 eBook by Jim Morningstar, PhD (289 pages)
How to translate the simple act of breathing into a life transforming process.
- Learn from a Pioneer and Master Practitioner
- Read the inspiring accounts of participants
- Discover your own breathwork
- Fit your breathing to your body type
- Breathwork and Your Call to Greatness
- Becoming a breathworker
Morningstar, J. Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, Revised eBook, 2015.
Cost: $10
Cost: $10
An encyclopedia of contemporary breathwork theory and practice by current luminaries in the field.
Breath is the foundation for all life processes. To breathe well is to live well. In this book you will explore and learn the complete breath.
This is a metaphor for the complete life—an existence marked by inner balance, outer poise and gratifying accomplishment. (212 pages)
Contributing articles from:
Stan Grof, MD—originator of Holotropic Breathwork
Dennis Lewis—author of Natural Breathing
Michael Brown—author of The Presence Process
Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD—Coherent Breathing
Kylea Taylor—author of The Ethics of Caring
Leonard Orr—originator of rebirthing breathwork
Sondra Ray—author of Liberation Breathing
Jim Morningstar, PhD—author of Breathing in Light and Love
Binnie Dansby—Source Process and Breathwork
Peter Litchfield, PhD—CapnoTraining
Judee Gee—author of Intuition
Tilke Plateel Deur—author of The Art of Integrative Therapy
Jeremy Youst—The Power of Breath Institute
Carol Lampman—breathwork with infants and children
Dorisse Neale—Buteyko Breathing
Ann Harrison—Breathwork: a modern Tantric Practice
James DuCanto, MD—Medical Breathwork and Disaster Relief
Lloyd Lalande—Integrative Breathwork Therapy
Contributing articles from:
Stan Grof, MD—originator of Holotropic Breathwork
Dennis Lewis—author of Natural Breathing
Michael Brown—author of The Presence Process
Richard Brown, MD and Patricia Gerbarg, MD—Coherent Breathing
Kylea Taylor—author of The Ethics of Caring
Leonard Orr—originator of rebirthing breathwork
Sondra Ray—author of Liberation Breathing
Jim Morningstar, PhD—author of Breathing in Light and Love
Binnie Dansby—Source Process and Breathwork
Peter Litchfield, PhD—CapnoTraining
Judee Gee—author of Intuition
Tilke Plateel Deur—author of The Art of Integrative Therapy
Jeremy Youst—The Power of Breath Institute
Carol Lampman—breathwork with infants and children
Dorisse Neale—Buteyko Breathing
Ann Harrison—Breathwork: a modern Tantric Practice
James DuCanto, MD—Medical Breathwork and Disaster Relief
Lloyd Lalande—Integrative Breathwork Therapy
Morningstar, J (Editor). Milwaukee, WI: Transformations Incorporated, 2012.
Cost: $12.95
Cost: $12.95
The Standard "The Way I See It" inventory provides the respondent with a Personal Profile as it reflects self rating on five major belief systems, learning styles and motivational patterns.
Cost: $30 BUY
The Business "The Way I See It" inventory provides the respondent with a Personal Profile as it portrays self rating on five major belief systems, learning styles and motivational patterns as well as how these translate into managerial styles. In addition, the subprofiles give the ranked order for each of the five belief systems in each of five life content areas and how they reflect attitudes and behaviors in the workplace.
Cost: $40 BUY