An appropriate typewritten double spaced two page summary of each course indicating the applications to one's life is required for the completion of each of the six courses to be turned in to and approved by the program director for a Studies Certificate to be awarded.
Only the entire Course Series may be purchased as part of a Certificate Program, which includes all materials (audio and video downloads, written documents, and course tests) needed to obtain a certificate. Individual classes may be purchased through Continuing Education or Lifelong Learning. There is a discount applied for purchase of the course series at time of registration.
Application for Spiritual Mastery Certificate Program
Spiritual Mastery Studies Certificate Program
(includes all courses) |
Full Tuition paid at registration ($102 savings) |
$650 | BUY |
This course is directed to investigate and open the doors of awareness to guidance and support available to humans from inner and outer sources. Ascended Masters represent higher consciousness that has been wisely and effectively used for personal development and spiritual growth in many cultures. Learning and working with the body's energy centers (chakras) will be emphasized. Students will be presented with practical tools, exercises and practices to implement these resources for self awareness and self-realization as well as support for planetary evolution. Course Objectives:
(13 CE credits) | $108 | BUY |
Living in my light body frees me from the solitary confinement of mental and physical forms. I can then more consciously use the mental and physical planes for creative manifesting rather than survival drama. Each class in the series will present exercises for mastery of our light bodies from the eighth to the first chakra. All will have the opportunity to be supported in a special manifestation of their choosing. This course involves practicing new life affirming exercises that improve the quality of lives daily, building upon what is done each class to truly grow in mastery, and develop tools which will continue to be useful throughout one's life. These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application. Course Objectives:
(13 CE credits) | $108 | BUY |
To be embodied on this planet is to be a student and teacher of Light - for Light is where we come from, what we are made of and where we are going. We can become more conscious and masterful of how we live and grow in Light if we choose. This choice means devoting the time and attention to this mastery. Our class is a commitment to learn and share lessons of Light from acknowledged teachers, with each other and with our world. Each class we will steep ourselves in the light of a master's path and deepen our reverence for ours. All will have the opportunity to be supported in sharing and teaching from our own Light. Goals for this course are to:
Class #1 Intro: What is your Light Being? How do you experience and share it? Meeting Master Teachers. How we will learn and grow together as a community of light students/teachers. Handouts, references and homework. Class #2 Embodying Light on the planet earth. Teachers, light practices and experiments for the month. Class #3 Bringing Light to our relationships. Sharing and mastering joy in the Dance of Light with others. Class #4 Identifying with Light in the shadow play of our daily life. Strengthening our core identity; releasing addictive illusions. Class #5 Falling in love with the Light in all. Breathing in Love and Light every moment of our existence. Class #6 Creating with Light as our true profession. Commanding Light resources with certitude. Class #7 Mastering Holy Vision - teaching it spontaneously. Seeing the Light of divine teaching in our every step. Class #8 Being with and conversing with Master Light Teachers in physical and spiritual forms every day. Class #9 Celebrating Self |
(13 CE credits) | $108 | BUY |
Ascension in our usage of the concept is the process of heightening conscious awareness and effectiveness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. We focus on ascending in each of these levels personally, relationally and as a planet over 9 classes. Each member's growth will be supported by the practices taught and the detailed exercises in each class. Our work will culminate in a Personal Ascension Plan resulting from the exploration, experimentation and inspiration we share on this sacred journey. Course Benefits:
Class 1 & 2 Introduction and Physical Ascension - from health to peak performance with tools from Qi Gong, Nei Gong, advanced Taiji and breathwork; nurturance, sexuality, energetic boundary setting… Class 3 & 4 Emotional Ascension - EQ and neurobiology, emotional trauma release, scale of emotions, communication of feelings, the feeling body and manifestation, the planetary emotional body… Class 5 & 6 Mental Ascension - tools for mental mastery, advanced analysis and affirmation, using group and planetary mind clearing techniques and balance, the seven dimensions of Higher Intelligence… Class 7 & 8 Spiritual Ascension - path of enlightenment, One Spirit, Mahayana, meditation and Holy Vision, being a bodhisattva, immortalists, guidance from Ascended Masters… Class 9 Integration - the brain and new levels of integral functioning, integral daily practice, creation of and dedication to your Personal Ascension Plan, Circle of Guides assistance, the Celebration of Ascension. |
(13 CE credits) | $108 | BUY |
Love is the all pervasive substance that holds the universe as One. To experience love as the ground of your being and to live from this foundation is to transform every moment of your existence into higher awareness. Each video class of this nine class journey we will engage in practices that radically upend the roadblocks to owning the innocence and purity of being in your Sacred Heart and radiating this glow to your world. Our goals are:
Class presentations are videotaped and sent with materials and exercises included. These classes should be taken in order given for best understanding and application. Included in this package:
(13 CE credits) | $150 | BUY |
How to incisively address our most primal human challenges with loving intention and conscious breathing is the goal of this nine month journey Home. As the circle of our consciousness expands toward the infinite, it aspires to the heights of Ascension. And it also takes us to the depths of Beingness and all it entails to be divine in human form. This is the stumbling block for most en route to enlightenment. We shall with courage and shared intention experience and integrate both the heights and depths of our existence in coming Home to our ownership of our Source. In this course you will receive:
Each seminar will include videotaped presentations, handouts on which to complete courses exercises and add to the video presentation as well as a resource list for supplementary class study. Included in this package:
(13 CE credits) | $170 | BUY |