Only the entire Course Series may be purchased as part of a Certificate Program, which includes all materials (audio and video downloads, written documents, and course tests) needed to obtain a certificate. Individual classes may be purchased through Continuing Education or Lifelong Learning. There is a discount applied for purchase of the course series at time of registration.
Application for Professional Leadership Certificate Program
Professional Leadership Studies Certificate Program
(includes all courses) |
Full Tuition paid at registration ($124 savings) |
$700 | BUY |
Beyond an overview of theory this course provides a variety of learning opportunities and leadership skills for integrating spiritual principles into one's career and everyday life with psychologically grounded techniques. Topics include dream mastery, creating a statement of purpose and a yearly holistic life plan, Gestalt leadership in life groups, inculcating a daily spiritual practice and preparing an hour-long public presentation. Taking spiritual leadership out of classroom theory into life and career requires development of personal disciplines which encompass one's work and finances, intimate and social relationships, personal growth and health, as well as recreation. The tools and techniques for making spiritual leadership real in the student's life are practiced and monitored to help them be integrated. Holistic healing skills are learned and applied to oneself in order for the student to truly be able to share them with others. |
(16 CE credits) | $160 | BUY |
Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. In six seminars, the issues and techniques of holistic counseling are explored and developed by Jim Morningstar, PhD. The Holistic Counseling Training is an opportunity to become more aware of how you give counsel to others and to consciously advance in your helping skills both personally and professionally. For practitioners and students who want to expand awareness and gain skills as counselors.Topics include personal purpose, successful contact and contracts, ethics, spirituality, diagnosis, establishing a practice as well as experience in current methods of effecting change in the whole person. Group and individual exercises in and out of class will enhance effectiveness as a non-intrusive change agent. Course Objectives:
| (8 CE credits) | $87 | BUY |
Learning how to facilitate group energy to bring out the best in each participant, create a spiritual focus and accomplish group goals is the focus for this class taught by Jim Morningstar, PhD. Students will study group process from a variety of theorists including making contracts and effective contact, boundary setting, handling challenges and coming to completion. In addition members will construct a group relevant to their skills and interests that they will prepare to present in their community if they choose. As the world population increases and along with it social tensions and inner isolation, there is an ever increasing need to work effectively and lovingly together. Facilitating empowering group interaction is needed in every occupational and social sector. This training is not topic specific, but covers the dynamics that are endemic to groups with a common interest and/or goal. Course Objectives:
| (8 CE credits) | $87 | BUY |
Jim Morningstar takes you on an engaging journey through 12 essential components of your life maximizing your effectiveness and joy as a human being. Each video class presents life enhancing information on one of the 12 areas of the Wellness Wheel.* Exercises are demonstrated and practical tips given to help ground the principles of healthy living in your body and mind. Practices are detailed to explore in between classes for installing the new habits you choose for your wellbeing. These comprehensive interactive sessions illuminate the life areas of Self-Responsibility and Love, Breathing, Sensing, Eating, Moving, Feeling, Thinking, Playing and Working, Communicating, Intimacy, Finding Meaning, and Transcending. Course Objectives:
Included in this course package are: 12 zip files containing one video presentation, a pdf Course Description and a file with pdf handouts for each class in areas of Self-Responsibility and Love, Breathing, Sensing, Eating, Moving, Feeling, Thinking, Playing and Working, Communicating, Intimacy, Finding Meaning, and Transcending. *The Wellness Wheel is a component of the Wellness Inventory, one of the most comprehensive whole person assessment and promotion tools available www.wellpeople.com. |
(12 CE credits) | $170 | BUY |
Application of spiritual principles in one's chosen life work is the theme of this course. Inner work will include the clearing and strengthening of one's energy centers as a regular practice. Outer work will entail the presentation and analysis of ones career autobiography and the completion of a major project relevant to manifesting purpose in life work. Living and applying the spiritual principles which nourish our souls is the foundation for a sense of purposeful existence. This does not happen by chance. Unless the time and focus is given to this intention, we will continue to operate on cultural and familial survival patterns. Some research indicates the only measurable factor positively correlating with longevity is "job satisfaction." If the work we do on a daily basis is not building our vital energy, it is depleting it and decreasing our ability and motivation to work and play wholeheartedly. This course is directed to clarifying and infusing our life work with our highest purpose and supportively integrating the practices to do so. These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application. Course Objectives:
(16 CE credits) | $160 | BUY |
During this course students will learn and practice the techniques which best realign their body, mind and spirit. Students will identify their core issues and strengths of each of their chakras and use the most effective Bioenergetic, yogic, sound, and inner reflective exercises to get them humming with harmony. This material is based on the clinical expertise of Jim Morningstar, Ph.D. and wisdom of Anodea Judith, Ph.D. foremost authority on the chakra system and energy work. This course involves practicing new life affirming exercises that improve the quality of lives daily, building upon what is done each class to truly grow in mastery, and develop tools which will continue to be useful throughout one's life. These seminars should be taken in order given for best understanding and application. Course Objectives:
(16 CE credits) | $160 | BUY |